Sunday, February 5, 2012

An Insight view

Mrs. Sneha Ramesh Ambre

Ladies and gentleman. Our country has come to a crossroad, and now you have the power to change the political landscape of Thane. As I have said time and time again, if you elect me to be your face in TMC, there are several things I will do to ensure that your needs are met day in day out across this land.

It has become an unspoken truth in our country to rule election on the basis of people’s emotion & ignore them once you are elected. Politician’s are busy in doing politics forgetting what they have to do & for what they have been elected.

We at Ambre family have become active in socialism because of blessing of our great national leaders. We always believe or wording given by lord Krishna in Bhagavat gita as “Do your work, do not worry for rewards”.

I intend to find a better and efficient solution for mass transport system to meet the growing demands of today and years to come. My predecessors  have lacked the vision of long-term solutions, preferring to take a look and see approach. Such a short sighted stance fails to consider the needs of future generations . . . our children and our grandchildren. My generation doesn't want to be remembered for a road we build today, but for a more visionary transportation system for our future.

And finally, my fellow contestants may cite my inexperience as a reason why you shouldn't vote for me. However, I am not a career politician who has lost touch with the everyday needs and concerns of people. My work as an social worker’s from last 10-12 yrs, this has given me a unique perspective on the pains and challenges you face.

If elected, I promise to give my all to my elected position and make sure your issues and concerns are fully addressed at the local level and at the earliest.

Thank you.

Mrs. Sneha Ramesh Ambre.